Thursday, February 25, 2010

Of family & spring...

This is my mother posing with a batch of her homemade hand-rolled hand-cut egg noodles made with farm eggs we brought from New York. She does make the BEST chicken and noodles which, if I remember the story correctly, my father insisted she learn to make the "right way" from his mother. She earned an "A".

And in case you're wondering, she a naturally happy person which is why she is smiling and not because the bottle of wine has been partly consumed...

Today was the day "set aside" for my sister and I to help Mother prep her next quilt for the frame. Years ago she ran out of quilt projects so I suggested she make one for her own bed for every season. This is the one for fall but has been stashed away for a bit while she quilted quilts for others. In the meantime she mislaid the name of the pattern so if any of you quilters out there know what it is, please let us know. She's already got it on the quilt frame. She listens to Diane Rehm while she quilts and tells me she's fallen behind in her listening.

One last photo for you folks in the northeast. Since Texas seems to have sent you their snow (in feet we understand), perhaps that means you will soon be receiving spring flowers as well.
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1 comment:

Class of 1973 Reunion News said...

Say Hi to Alice for us, she looks great . So does the daffy. We are being dumped on with snow everything is closed down.