From past blogs you probably are under the impression that NOTHING happens after 6 p.m. in Mason. Not true. Friday - Monday you can go to the movies. The Odeon is, in fact, the oldest continuously operated movie theater in Texas. The movie starts at 7:30 but you need to be there early to get a seat. In the 1980's you had to get there VERY early to get a seat WITH a back. In the 1990's you brought your own seat. Now they have "basic" new seats. A big bag of popcorn is $1 and the price of admission is $4.50. Pictured with us are Rick & Angie of our Care-A-Vanner team (they live in their BIG RV full time).

Speaking of RV's...
John was on the roof of ours today adding more "goop" to try to cut down on the number of pans needed to collect the drips when it rains. An "alternative" was offered by our Airstream camper folks (we actually have 3 of those RVs in our group). They suggested since I had developed my skills foaming in the electrical runs at the Habitat house, that I just foam over the top of the van. John could then cover the foam with duct tape and presto - we'd have our own leak proof "Airstream want-a-be".

Addressing the peeling paint issue... we have decided to collect refrigerator magnets and just cover it up. (I now find myself lusting after those BIG magnetic signs some businesses have on their car doors.)

We have also been looking at other options.