Even John will admit that sometimes he can be a bit of a scrounge as in "that's just too good to go to the dump"; "there will eventually be a good use for it", etc. (He blames this trait to some extent on his German heritage.) At any rate, it IS true that he often has squirreled away just the right "thing" for what's needed. His ability to find it is another issue.
Now about those croquet mallets... please note the ball hitting portion was made from bits of oak & walnut he laminated together (I probably would have used the scrapes for kindling long ago) and banded with brass. But the piece de resistance are the handles. They're made from broken pool cues. (Of course the fact they turned out so great does in no way support my cause to clean the "crap" out of our old barn!)
What does this have to do with romance & love? Well one of my sister's high school classmates was relating how her parents met over 60 years ago. Her mother grew up near Dallas, her father in the Ozark Mountains. There was little or no work in the Ozarks so Isam's cousin suggested he come to Texas and find work in the oil fields. One sunny Sunday afternoon looking for something to do on his day off, Isam went to the town park. There on the town croquet court was Opal, the love of his life. Isam & Opal were married (hopefully after playing several rounds of croquet) and moved to the Ozarks to raise their family. So if you're looking for a new love in your life, look no further than your nearest croquet court!