Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Of snowmen & Olympics...

I assure you that although this snowman on the left does look a bit like me after that harrowing trip from NY to Texas in Tillie, we did NOT bring it with us for NY. It is impressive that Texas had enough snow to make a snowman this time of year especially since the normal temperature for late February is 66.

The other two snowmen look a bit more jolly.
Perhaps they also think it a bit silly that school in Brady was closed yesterday and delayed two hours again today... Can't be too careful I guess.

With predictions of nothing but sun today and temperatures in the high 40's I hung laundry on the line. Pretty pathetic that all over France I had my choice of clothesline shots to include in the daily blog while here in the US I only saw clothes hung out three times on the trip down and have to take pictures of my own clothes on the line. However, it is my mother's clothesline and she still hangs out clothes when possible. (Rumor has it she's 88...) Perhaps we need to create an Energy Conservation Olympics with competitions in laundry hanging or garden digging or.... submit your suggestions...

The forecast for today is for a big melt

1 comment:

Arkady said...

Also love the fact that today's ad is for a VW place in Staten Isl. Are you planning a stop at my house on the way home?