Today was the day to visit the sites in Boise and walk down nostalgia lane. The photo is of 101 N. Garden where John & Frank (Mary's father) grew up. It is also the spot where wolverines were first successfully bred in captivity. You may want to note these events are both true but did not happen at the same time.
We also visited the capital building where Governor Steunenberg's statue is in front of the building. Steunenberg brought law & order to Idaho in the 1890's but met an untimely demise when he went to get the paper one morning and was blow up by a bomb. For some reason, John's original 4th grade poem still is not recorded. In case you have also missed it, it goes like this... "Old Steunenberg didn't know his fate when they wired the bomb unto the gate. But when for the paper he did go, he found his life at all time low."
Another piece of trivia - John sang in the capital, and the post office. Apparently kids were allowed to roam freely in those days, and John liked the sound of his voice echoing in the halls. The capital is beautiful and really amazing to us New Yorkers in that there's no security checkpoints to go through.
Every time Patty has come to Boise the temperature has been in the 90's. Those who live here contend that most of the year is very pleasant, but Patty remains unconvinced.