Monday, February 15, 2010

Waiting out the clipper...

Let's see... Judy's wonderful blueberry almond french toast for breakfast; an outing to fill up Tillie's tank before the snow comes (it's evening and it's just arriving...); cousin John repairing John's band saw; a bit of grocery shopping followed by a stop at the Habitat Store (just our luck, it's closed on Mondays). Time? 10:15 a.m. Task left? A picture for this blog.

While it may appear John took up employment in a workshop style tavern, it's actually the new bar cousin John has in the works, complete with bar stools, for their home. It's made completely with wood from their own property and an original design by cousin John. The bar is almost done - needs a bit of finish that he'll do in their auto body spray booth. The stools need some steam bent wooden circles to hold the legs together - thank heavens! When I first saw them I knew there would be no way I'd ever dare sit on them as they are. Can't you just imagine those beautiful curved legs going splat?! And, of course, if we all come to visit, they're going to need a lot more than two!

Although hanging out at the bar has been a lot of fun, we hope to be on the road again tomorrow!
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