Friday, March 19, 2010

Extra, Extra...

Today was the last day of our Habitat build here in Mason. Somewhere between the camera & the computer, poof, the photos disappeared so you'll have to visit the web site I referenced in an earlier blog to see the lastest pictures. Even more upsetting, I lost photo proof there are at least two clotheslines in Mason! And for even more news you can go to the web site for Mason County News or pick up a copy at your local newstand where you leave your payment in the jar (Mason, of course).

Even though the Habitat home we've worked on will not have a clothesline, Jimie is spending her "bonus dollars" (discretionary money they can spend for a few extras for the home) on a rain water collection tank so she'll have water for the vegetable garden she plans to have in the back yard. Way to go, Jimie!!!

Tonight after chowing down on burgers at the Northside Grocery, Curtis & Reenie (it was their ranch we visited) invited all of us to their home in Mason for one last round of dessert. (It's going to take me weeks to get the extra poundage off my hips...) Anyway, Curtis has a collection of toy John Deere tractors including this one hand carved from mesquite. Truly a work of art.

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