Saturday, August 05, 2006

Who ARE all these people?

Beats me, but somehow I think if DNA samples were taken a connection might be determined.

Mary spent the day trying to determine who were cousins once removed, who were second cousins (and what the difference was), who were sisters/brothers, etc. etc. Luckily she had met Uncle Jules when she first arrived so at least she had that relationship figured out before the day began. She never realized she had so many east coast relatives.

Vinalhaven may be small but that doesn't mean they don't have entertainment. Thursday night we went to the dress rehearsal for the world premiere one-woman play, "The Little Locksmith". Lisa (on the left) is the star and was terrific as was the the play. To know how talented she is, just imagine changing your thick Cockney accent into an American one, then learning enough lines to fill an hour & 20 minutes.

As we prepared to leave the island on the ferry, Mary & John strike heroic poses. Mary seems to be getting the hang of this heroic pose business even with a piece of toast in her hand.

Charlie the Chyrsler was waiting patiently for us at the dock so off we went narrowly escaping the crowds for "Lobsterfest" in Rockland. He also sailed by B&M baked beans in Portland, the world's best baked beans. Apparently he thought he had enough gas for all of us. And he proved his worth in Hartford... 99 degrees, bumper to bumper SLOW traffic and we sat cool and comfortable inside. Tillie would not have been happy. (Today, Mary added Massachusetts & Connecticut to her list of states visited.)