Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tortillas Are Us!

Finally, the long awaited clothesline shot (it was "hanging out" behind the house across the street from the house we're building all this time and I had no idea).
Then there's the metal roof on "our" house project (the team on roof deserve multiple stars for doing that in the Texas sun today). If all goes as planned the roof will be completed tomorrow. It should last as long as the bit more challenging roof on another house in town. Isn't it beautiful?
Tonight was tortilla night in the ol' campground, a southwestern take on the "bring a dish to pass" concept. (Can't believe I never thought of it.) In addition to everyone bringing tortilla fillings we have Fred, a master at making corn tortillas, and Bea, a master of flour tortillas. By the way, Bea was the youngest of 21 children (only 3 were adopted) and helped her mother make a LOT of tortillas. I think Bea's were the best I've ever had but she says her mom makes better ones. Can you imagine how many tortillas her mother must have made over her lifetime?
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