Our computer decided to STOP (one day it works, the next it won't ever turn on) so is in the shop for repairs. Took it to the place recommended by the local "jambalaya guy" (he made everyone a GREAT lunch today so John figured he must know about computers too). They'll look at it on Monday - guess some folks are still recouperating from Mardi Gras.
The photo is from yesterday's after work social. Of special note is the "RV" in the left of the photo. It's a truck frame with a custom made "unit" on the bed. Inside is Bill the Baker's professional kitchen. Last night we not only had his wonderful homemade wholegrain sourdough bread, but he also cooked up a pan of redfish with a brandy/cream sauce that was absolutely delicious. Bill took courses at the Culinary Institute of America so knows what he's doing. He had planned to leave today but as luck would have it, he decided to stay on. We're looking forward to more samples... It's a tough life here at the job site! By the way, the exterior walls and most of the interior walls are up on "our house". We've all had a great time working with the students from Canada and will be sorry to see them leave tomorrow. Would you believe the ones from Montreal drove down, straight through - 36 hours?! They plan to do the same going back - most of them have mid-terms on Monday. I don't want to think about it.