Tuesday, February 23, 2010

And now for the real scoop...

Our adventure from yesterday that I was too weary to post last night...
After looking across the Mississippi into Louisiana for two days, Tillie finally added this state to her map. And we began seeing signs for things perhaps you won't see other places. Crawfish - loved the sign at a restaurant advertising them "live or boiled" (no need for a comment here, your imagination is as good as mine...). Then there's the person with BBQ barrels in his side yard and a handwritten sign saying "Fresh Coons" with a painting of raccoon just in case you didn't think you read it right. It seemed a bit early for lunch (or dinner or...) so we just kept going. "Strange Stump Grinding" was another goody.

But even in Tillie on Louisiana back roads it doesn't take long to cross the narrow part of the state so before noon we were in Point Blank, Texas. Another blink and on we went with the temperatures dropping. John reconnected Tillie's "heat" (by the way she can really crank out the heat when the outside temps are above 60... As the temperature outside falls so does her heating capacity.). Early afternoon we were in Huntsville the home of Sam Houston and his statue which is the "World's Tallest Statue of an American Hero". (Give it some thought. I suspect even where you live you could come up with being the world's something or other...) While we did take the time to find Sam, we passed on visiting "Old Sparky", Texas' first electric chair, at the Texas Prison Museum. (Was that just Tillie or did we all shutter as we drove by?) We were intrigued by the sign outside the working prison by the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice for their "Horse Development Program". (Is this for horses gone wrong?) But time was short because of the approaching snow so we decided to "bite the bullet" (seems a most appropriate phrase to use in this part of the world) and drive on to Brady. The rest is, of course, history (please refer to yesterday's blog is you are unsure if we arrived...)