Enough worse case scenarios! Better to do some shopping and leave the junkyard in charge of the dog. I tried calling every half hour or so to no avail. At noon John said let's just swing by one more time and, sure enough, Curtis is "in"!!!
Curtis was right. He is "sickly" (has the flu). And I was right. He is "older than dirt". However, he also really seems to know what he's doing (when he's well I suspect he moves faster...). The problem with Tillie was in the ignition which was so bad he said it was a miracle we'd made it all the way from NY. Some of the wires had melted and others had been badly spliced. He has made progress as he was out driving Tillie around last night and she started right up for John. However, during the "test drive" Curtis discovered the turn signals were also messed up (John had noted that on the way down, too) and something else wasn't working right so he had the steering wheel off again redoing those wires. To my way of thinking, working on the bus is probably a good project for someone who's sickly. He can take a nap in the back whenever he needs to which, noting the boots on the floor next to Tillie, may not be too far from the truth.At any rate, John feels Tillie is in good hands and we're hoping Curtis feels better soon. I really didn't want the hassle of having her towed to the shop on the way into town that advertised "Horse breaking" and "engine tuning".