Several churches, walkbys of many other beautiful "homes" & a visit to the Natchez Coffee Roasters (no roaster in sight and our coffee was served in a paper cup. Now really, they should be able to do better than that!) found us wanting more so it was off to Longwood, the largest octagonal house in the US. Our tour guide pointed out (for our benefit I'm sure) that NY state has the most octagonal houses - 130. This one was started before the Civil War and the project abandoned when the war started with just the exterior and the "basement" completed. We should all have such basements. Very elegant so don't take pity on the Nutt family who were "forced" to live there without completing the upper floors. Although a bathroom was in the plans for the second floor using rainwater collected off the roof, the family "made do" (sorry...) with a 5 seater outhouse, 2 rooms, one with seating for 3 and one for 2, no waiting. Amazingly, there were to be 6 floors (in the house that is) plus the basement. The person who bought the property from the family and gave it to the Pilgrimage Garden Club stipulated it was never to be completed. We understand a ghost wanders the building and they have a great Halloween party in case you are interested. Also, amazingly, that is Tillie you see parked outside. Longwood was just a bit too far out of town to walk. Even more amazing, Tillie didn't require a mechanic today either!!!!!!!!!
Dinner tonight was at King's Tavern, thought to be the oldest building in Natchez (late 1700's) where the food is good and the ghosts are renowned, especially Madeline. She apparently had been having an affair with King, the tavern owner, and his wife had her killed. Her body was discovered bricked into the fireplace in the 1900's and she still haunts the tavern (or so says the Enquirer). Two other bodies were also found but I guess they keep a low profile. Supposedly if you take a photo in Madeline's bedroom you'll see her aura. (You do see it, don't you?)