Rochelle, where we took Rambo, is a fairly small town. In fact, the WHOLE downtown (pictured) is for sale if you're interested. The sign in Brady for Rochelle says it's 10 miles. The sign in Rochelle for Brady says it's 11 miles. (Guess the tailwind/headwind must have been fairly strong the day they took the measurements.)
So where's the garage? Well, it wasn't where we left Rambo but it wasn't far away (nothing is that far away in Rochelle) so the mechanic just went and got it. The garage is the building on the left in the photo. The building on the right I assume is either for rent or for sale. They are on Sixth Street although I have no idea where the other five streets are. (Guess the "city planners" have big dreams.) Way off to the left in the photo is another vehicle in for work - the one with the hood up. It's on a trailer. I couldn't decide if they'd brought it in with the hood up or if the mechanic just decided to work on it on the trailer. I didn't ask...