Tuesday, August 01, 2006

With Ben off to soccer camp we wave goodbye to Steve (Ginny left at 5:30 – we don’t get up quite that early!) and we head for Maine.
We are already noticing the differences between Tillie & Charlie. Air conditioning? The pool at the end of the trip was great but somehow we didn’t seem to appreciate it nearly as much as when we sweated through the plains. Conversation? You mean we actually have to think of something semi-intelligent to say to one another… ALL the time? Radio? There’s something ELSE going on in the world besides our trip? Mosquito bites? We don’t have to research campgrounds and think about putting up the bug net (now what DO we talk about?) Guard rails on bridges? Mary’s photo taking has decreased - Charlie rides lower and she can’t take pictures over the guard rails like she used to in Tillie. Cold snacks? Charlie doesn’t have a frig. Leg room? Actually Tillie had more. Power steering? Charlie wins hands down but John gets bored with nothing to do. State map? Poor Charlie. We didn’t think to get a map for him as well. Friendly waves & honks? Poor Charlie, he just blends in with the crowd.
Future adventures??? - we stopped in Freeport, Maine, to check out the biggest globe in the world. It must be by boat since Mary & John seem to be pointing at the ocean. Sure enough, only a few hours later we were on the ferry to Vinalhaven. The island is still as beautiful as ever and John & Karol are both helping Mary with her heroic poses. You can see from the photo she seems to be making progress.