Saturday, May 13, 2006

Our two weeks are over and they were great! We highly recommend it to any of you looking for something different to do. Everyone in our group got along so well... it was sort of like VISTA but in a very shortened way, and we came away with a whole new set of friends. And we accomplished a lot more and a lot less than we expected but together we provided them with a 1,000 hours of extra labor which put them much closer to getting the houses completed. The last day was rainy so we mostly worked on inside projects except for the crazy Irishman and Polishman who were working on their PHD's (post hole drilling) in a light rain. They did manage to get their holes dug, concrete poured and posts set and filled in for one of the porches.
The VW did us proud and held it's head up high next to the big RV's. Patty, especially, is looking forward to staying with friends on the trip west this summer. The VW is comfortable and cozy but...
We just discovered that we hadn't set up this blog to allow for comments. I think we've got that corrected so you should be able to add your own comments in the future. We'll try this again when we start heading west on June 12th.