Thursday, October 01, 2009

Wednesday - Moving south...

We're on the road again, this time to Peyrissac in the Limoges region of France.
1) Road stop for coffee & .... Bob ordered a double espresso (somehow I don't think Bob's French is as good as he thought it was).
2) Things to play with in the car - a Renault Espace which they don't sell in the US. It has trays behind the front seats for the passengers. Of course the water bottle did not fit in the hole in the tray - assume they think passengers should drink only wine.
3) This is a French car. Therefore, how on earth is one supposed to collapse the tray? The instruction manual gave instructions for hanging on to the handle above the door but not for putting the tray back. Bob is a mechanical engineer and spent a good deal of time trying to look under the tray to figure it out. Cousin John runs a body shop and fooled around with it for several minutes. Actually the whole endeavor took at least 30 minutes to figure out and as many laughs. The answer - just push down hard on the front of the tray - Duh! Bob figured it out although I'm not really sure if it was out of frustration or engineering skill.
4) Are we in Kansas, Dorothy? Nope, it's still France. Just the part that doesn't appear in guide books. Note the wind generators in the distance (about the only thing worthy of note). Pat & I got several pages of our books read during the day.
5 & 6) Stopping in Niord for lunch, Bob spotted a sign for a restaurant with a waterfall. Trust me, the land around Niord looks exactly like photo 4 except for this one little road that takes you down into a hidden valley with a stream/canal and a wonderful place to eat. We whiled away a couple of hours over lunch.
7 & 8) Back on the road - note the roofs have changed from slate to red tile.
9) The main part of the view from the way back. Let's just say we were VERY happy when we found Frank & Rita's house in Peyrissac!

Out walking Roscoe, did Bridge spot a red Corvette driving off one of the ferries into Seattle?
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