Sunday, June 13, 2010

Auctions & homes...

Yesterday was the day of the big school auction with folks trying to out bid each other to become the new owners of assorted junk. Unfortunately the guy who owns the vehicle on the lower left, arrived too late to buy the stack of old tires (one of which HAD to have been better than the spare he was carrying - these Texas back roads are bad news...) We enjoyed a hour's entertainment before heading out. We even endured the auctioneer's comment to mind your purchases because very occasionally they have a Yankee from NY show up and you never know what they might run off with. It's a good thing we didn't drive Tillie over.

With the day heating up we headed to Mason for lunch with friends and to visit the new owners, Jimie & India, of the Habitat house we worked on in March. Their new home turned out beautiful and they love it as did we. (I'm VERY envious of their $45 month utility bill - super insulation and solar hot water really pays off.)

Then it was back to "the auction" (you just never know...) Becky & I bought sergers and Becky bought 3 sewing machines (and I thought I was bad!) but the price was right. I think I'll have to ship mine home.

Back with Tillie, John has now replaced the driving lights, one of which she "lost" on the drive down. Does that count as a breakdown or just ordinary maintenance? John says she's ready to roll so we'll be up early tomorrow heading north. Boulder here we come!

Almost forgot... the big bus?, it sold for $1,000 to some "lucky" person (not us or ours).
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Anonymous said...

That's just ordinary maintenance, not a breakdown. (I said it first so anyone who is having a side bet, this minor upkeep doesn't count!)

Class of 1973 Reunion News said...

I can't image WHY the art students have been singled out HA!

Debby Z said...

I can't wait to see what you create with the serger!