Thursday, March 11, 2010

Texas winds...

There is absolutely nothing like a strong Texas wind. It is unrelenting. By the end of the workday we all felt like we'd been beaten. John may look like he's relaxing but he's just waiting for the final piece of sheathing to install on the walls. And if it looks like someone forgot a part of the roof to the left, that's supposed to be that way awaiting the porch rafters.

The other photo is of a yard we pass every day and pretty much has everything you'd want. The home water tower; a windmill that presumably pumped water for the tower; a birdhouse; a flag held nicely out by the wind; a cast iron bean pot hanging on some sort of rack which I suppose held it over a camp fire (it is filled with faded artifical flowers for a bit of cheer); and to the left of the flag pole is some sort of sculpture that I do hope you can enlarge - it's composed of assorted deer? horns and rusty iron stars. The gray thing? Maybe a gas tank? There's no telling what's behind the house.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But where's the clothes line?