Monday, March 08, 2010

Sometimes photos are worth a thousand words...

The first photo is especially for Garry & George. It's the 1960 Jaguar Curtis is working on for the doctor. (From the amount of dust that's gathered "over time", I certainly am grateful that Curtis was able to work Tillie into a more prompt repair schedule...)

From the outside, Curtis' repair shop has 5 large garage doors in good condition that look like they open into your "regular" repair garage. From the inside... Well, there was no way I could begin to describe it, hence the photos. The last one is Curtis giving us thumbs up as Tillie is finally running again. She starts without being hot-wired and the use of a screw driver; the turn signals work (both directions at that!); the horn honks!; and just as important, the steering wheel is back in place (steering is just a little difficult when the wheel is sitting on the passenger seat.)

John drove her back to Mother's with no hiccups this time so we deemed it safe to add Texas to Tillie's "I've been there" map. (I suppose I should look for some gold or platinum stars to indicate repair shops where she's also been.)

No, Susan, no tent camping (yet). We've been staying at my mother's. Perhaps that's why Mother is smiling... she will no longer have to jockey with us for the bathroom in the mornings. Tomorrow night we plan to be parking Tillie next to the other Habitat folk in the campground (that is if Tillie hasn't gotten persnickety overnight!).

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