Monday, August 18, 2008

Sail & Bail Regatta

Gee - another sailboat photo. How nice... However, this photo is downright amazing.

The blue Comet sailboat name "Have", circa 1939, was rotting in some one's backyard in Maryland before John "rescued" it. In fact, parts of the original boat may still be laying along the road as the boat tried to self destruct on the way to its new home. Let us say John put a LOT of new wood into "Have's" restoration. (John & Leigh are crewing that boat.)

The white Comet sailboat named "Have Not" , circa 1940, Terry bought for John to work on because he thought "Have" was a hopeless cause. It, too, needed work, just not as much. Those of you who have been reading this blog for some time might remember "Have Not" as the boat that tried to sink to the bottom when it was first launched 3 years ago. Lesson learned - old wooden boats need an "adjustment" period to allow the wood to swell so they don't leak. (Terry & Lloyd are crewing that boat.)

Last summer, "Have" made her debut in the water. Aside from a small drill hole in the hull that made her look like a whale before John plugged it with a twig, that launch was fairly normal. The only problem remaining - one set of sails, two boats.

This past winter another set of sails was secured and, walla, a regatta! If you're interested in a complete photo session (compliments of Bruce Moseley) go to the web album site

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