Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve and we wish you a very happy holiday season! In case you didn't get one of our cards this year, the one at the right will have to do (painted by yours truly). Subconscious really must be a part of our lives... it was only after I had mailed the bulk of the cards that I realized it really would only be the cat and deer at the house for Christmas Day.

Before we leave on Wednesday heading east to Florida (John confident that Rambo will run like a top; me with my fingers crossed so John doesn't see them - he tends to think I'm negative when it comes to Rambo. I think I'm just being realistic...). Anyway, we passed this sign yesterday and all I saw was a bucking bronco and the word "massage". Close up, I'm not sure I'm any closer to understanding what the logo is supposed to convey.

Next bit of trivia. Farmers/ranchers all over Texas are always looking for ways to turn what looks like barren land into income producing property. If it's not an oil well then perhaps a pipe line. Or an electric line. Or a cell tower. Or a wind generator. Just outside Brady they discovered near the surface some of the finest round silica sand there is. (It was news to me but apparently most sand is angular.) And, as luck would have it for the folks whose land it is on, the oil industry needs a lot of it. If I understand it correctly, the sand is forced at high pressure down oil wells to "open" the fractures in the bedrock. This allows more oil to be released. (That is probably a VERY simplistic description, but if you're interested I'm sure you can find out more.)

And back to pecans... We took 24 pounds of pecans over for cracking this morning (25 cents a pound - a bargain!) It turns out the pecan "picker-outer" I pictured a couple of days ago is really called a "goodie gitter". It also turns out the company that made the one I showed (a one person operation) went out of business about 5 years ago. Another company makes a new type with a plastic handle, but the "cracker" owner who's 83 and should know about these things, says they're not nearly as good since they don't have the loop that slips over your pinkie, the key to a great "goodie gitter"!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

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