Monday, November 05, 2007


Colgate University this past week featured the outdoor art installation of NY artist Willoughby Sharp. This one, called "Ice" is being contemplated by Seattle artist Wynn & NY attorney Bridge. If they look like blocks of ice (the installation not W & B), they are. If they look like tombstones, you're right (could Halloween have anything to do with the likeness choice?) And, yes, they're melting. Things begin, things end................
The other installation, "Air", I was too late to photograph. It was a 6 foot weather balloon anchored in the small lake on campus. It, too, was supposed to dissipate although I think that happened rather more quickly than the artist might have intended. It was VERY windy the day it was installed so was whipped every which way on the lake. The next morning it was gone. No one seems to know what happened to it - perhaps Mother Nature took it away (or sank it) or perhaps some party loving individuals might have decided it "acquire" it. Unfortunately few locals recognized it as "art". The word being circulated around Hamilton is it was Colgate's latest effort to keep the geese out of the lake. It did work for that.
Lest you think "art" was strictly confined to campus, penguins were emerging on the home front. Wynn & Bridge helped paint the black part of their little walnut bodies (that's the part which you, of course, do NOT see in this photo). These and other items will be for sale at our local Hospital Auxiliary sale on Dec. 1. If you can't come to ours, plan to attend one in your area in support of your hospital. These little guys are cute but they are very time consuming to make. If their price were based on a decent hourly wage, rather than NO wage, you could expect to pay at least $15 each for them. If you're interested in a bargain, come to our sale!!!

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