Saturday, March 31, 2007

Movin' East...

Goodbye Beni, Goodbye St. Louis, Goodbye Venice Cafe... Thought I'd throw in one more photo of the Venice Cafe as it was by far more interesting than anything we saw today.

So, on through Illinois. If "t" equals a tree then the route through Illinois looks like _________________________t__________tt____
Got the picture? Luckily, we didn't even need to stop for gas so I suppose we could legimately say we didn't set foot in Illinois.

As soon as you cross the Wabash River in Indiana you come into some very pretty country with (if my imagination is right) an international influence - towns named Brazil, Poland, Denmark. However, as soon as you near Indianapolis you're back into ______________ttt__________tt___________ etc. Southern Ohio isn't any better. John & I seem to have an attitute about FLAT so perhaps we'll look for a Habitat Build in one of the FLAT states to give us a better perspective on things.

After so much FLAT driving, John & I looked sort of like this Ghar Buffalo tonight. Actually we (and the buffalo) were at Steve's Dakota Grill for dinner (a good place to eat by the way) but I thought if they'd decided to "mount" either John's or my head, it would have fit right in. We DID try to stay the night at the Mt. Gilead Ohio State Park but staying with friends the last two nights has spoiled me. There was no running water, thus no flush toilets and showers (Ohio parks better catch up - Arkansas & Texas have them beat 9 ways to Sunday! - plus it cost just as much). Me and my backside said "no way" and we've ended up in a nice hotel in Mansfield for the night. It WOULD have been fun to stay in Mt. Gilead since that's Warren Harding's birthplace and the home of "Pop 'n Cruz Drive-Thru" liquor store but they have no motels so Mansfield it is.

Tomorrow we hope to make it home!!!!

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