Monday, March 12, 2007

Mason, Texas

Mason, Texas is a beautiful little city (they call it a city but I'd call it a town). Like all Texas folks we know personally, "Masonites" are really great. Our Care-A-Vanner group is shown in the first photo after the wonderful dinner provided. (The two guys kneeling may be an indication of just how generous the servings were.)

The house shown is what we're working on. It's constructed of styrofoam blocks that lock together like legos. The center is hollow allowing a core of concrete to be poured in for stablization while the styrofoam provides great insulation. Today the foam insulation contractors were there applying insulation to the underside of the roof meaning tomorrow we do sheetrock.

As for our group we worked on painting the shed and painting and putting the soffits up. Just to ensure we wouldn't starve the Catholic Church provided lunch (we all agreed that unless they they stop feeding us so well they'll begin getting less and less work out of us as we'll definitely need siestas). The Church was built in the 1870's and the ceiling was painted blue with angels by a Mexican artist from that time. In the 1960's it was covered over with ceiling tile. One of the nuns who came once a year to give classes HATED those tile and would always make her classes pray to God they would come down. Then... in the 1990's a terrific storm came through taking off half the roof and letting in so much rain all the tile fell down but it didn't hurt the paintings. This time the church left them exposed after they redid the roof.

Speaking of storms - it rained an inch and a half last night in a couple of hours, hail, lightning and thunder, wind. It might have been frightening if John & I hadn't been so intent in finding buckets to put under the leaks in Rambo. John says it's an adventure isn't it... yeah....

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