Friday, August 11, 2006

Finally, a picture of the Maryland relatives. In the center is "the queen", Virginia, who's the wife of John, upper left, first cousin of John, in the middle, and first cousin once removed of Mary on the lower left. On the right are John & Virginia's "adopted" daughter & son, Narelle (Australian by birth) and Art (Canadian by birth). They're both now US citizens but work in the hotel industry in China. John & Virginia lived in their hotel when John was bringing Seagrams to China (even the Chinese need a little gin & whiskey once in a while.)

Since we're on the "eastern shore", Mary decided to try her hand at crabbing. Let's just say we're fortunate we did not have to rely on her skills to supply dinner.

Meanwhile, John admires Comet #1 and how beautiful she is. In the background Patty is trying to find some resemblance between it and the boat (supposedly a Comet) currently housed in John's workshop. At least she knows he'll have plenty to keep him busy during his retirement years.

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